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Baseball to Portland

Deliverable: Brand Identity, Apparel & Uniform Design
Role: Art Director, Designer

​For my Senior Capstone project at Oregon State University (2019), I created a brand identity for Portland's future MLB team. Prior to creating the brand, I completed 3 months of research on the history of baseball in Portland - this research included a survey, interviews, studying a documentary on the Portland Mavericks baseball team and attending the Jolby and Friends / Portland Gear "Baseball to Portland" event. The research done acted as a guide towards deciding the best possibility identity for the team. My goal for the team's brand is to accurately represent the voice of Portland - from the people who have lived in Portland for 30+ years to the newly immersed, young sports fans living in the heart of the city.

To read my essay on sports and their potential for city-wide benefit, click here.

Roasters Jersey / Hand cut, hand stitched letters on a Nike "Vapor" Baseball jersey. Canvas Roasters patch sewn on left sleeve.

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As a major league team out of portland, the roasters represent a confident and unique identity, commitment to excellence in their craft, energy behind their performance and genuine enjoyment from doing it all together.

Our Story + Style Guide

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Research Highlight Reel

Download full research PDF here.
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